Best VPN For Motorola Xoom

vpn for motorola xoom

VPN For Motorola Xoom

A VPN or virtual private network is a technology that connects a device to a secured local network, and many corporations and institutions use this technology to secure communication. VPN works through established protocols to ensure only authorized individuals have access to the network. Some of the systems used are certificates that must be installed on the device, or security details that are managed by the administrator and it is only through using them that you can have access to the network.

This secure connection can be used on any computer or tablet as long as you have the right certificate stored in the device and have the necessary configuration details. When configuring vpn for Motorola xoom, you will be required to set a password that will secure the credentials so only you have access to the network.

Connecting to your company’s network will allow you to check your email while you are away from the office and will protect your information from unauthorized access. In order to start using this technology, you will have to make some configurations and check a few things. Start with these areas and you will be on your way to enjoying a simple and secure vpn connection on your xoom:


Motorola Xoom can work with virtually all VPN technologies but check whether yours works with PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, PSK, or maybe L2TP/IPSEC CRT. All these are different technologies used in connections but you do not need to know much about them.

Name of server

This mostly depends on the network manager for it is not always necessary during connection but just in case, check with them.


You need an address to be able to connect to the network. The address will usually start with vpn: for instance

DNS domains

By using search domain servers, you will be able to do regular internet searches from your xoom.

Account details

You will need a name and password for your account, which should be provided by the network manager or the IT section in your firm.

Additional keys
Some super secure networks will require more passwords and this might depend on the type of connection used but this information can be provided by the IT section.

This information is needed when you are configuring your xoom and once you have it, you can then go ahead and start with the settings.

From the home screen go to the apps section

    1. Go to settings
    2. Go to wireless and networks
    3. Go to VPN settings


  1. Go to add VPN
  2. Add the type of VPN you are using

The screen that opens should have components that require specific information about the network and the administrator should guide you in configuring it.
After entering all the fields, touch Save and you have successfully added a new VPN on your xoom.

Now, after adding it, you will want to connect to the VPN. In order to connect, go to apps from the home screen

  1. Go to settings
  2. Go to wireless & networks
  3. Go to VPN settings
  4. Go to your VPN

A dialogue will open prompting you to enter the right credentials including passwords then touch connect

Whenever you are connected to a VPN, you will receive a notification on the status bar that shows that the connection is made; it will also notify you if you are disconnected.

Your Motorola xoom will support most of the commonly used connections unless your network uses SSL VPN or Cisco Any Connect but work is in progress to incorporate more technologies so you have a more comprehensive VPN coverage. The xoom is the first tablet to rival the iPad and that is because it comes packed with great features, especially connectivity features.

List of Best VPN For Motorola Xoom

This is the list of top vpn services that have been recommended by many users around the world, you can use it for your Xoom without any regreat.

Visit Site
Private Internet Access
Hideip VPN
Express VPN
IpVanish VPN