What is The Best Vpn Protocols ?

Best VPN Protocols

Virtual Private Network technology (VPN) has technology to provide fool-proof internet security. Tunneling, the process by which “tunnels” or logical network connections are created using public internet, has a heavy influence on VPN. This kind of a connection transfers data packets from clients to VPN server and then de-encapsulates them once they reach the side of the receiver.

What Choices Do You Have?

The following are a few of the best VPN protocols used to carry out such a transfer and provide online security for clients.

PPTP protocol

This is among the most commonly used VPN protocols because of its simple configuration and easy maintenance. Point-To-Point Tunneling(PPTP) is an extended protocol of the PTP protocol which was used to transmit data over the internet between several remote connections. It was developed by Microsoft and some other corporations which explains why most Windows versions comprise a built-in support for the PTTP protocol. Previous versions of PTTP were less secure but the versions used today have eliminated such problems through the use of EAP authentication. In addition, it is supported by many firewalls including ISA Server, Sonic Wall and Cisco PIX. PPTP is seen as the best protocol for clients who want to access streaming services.

Click Here To See List of PPTP VPN Service


This protocol consists of combined features of the PPTP and the L2F protocol, which was developed by Cisco. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol was developed by both Microsoft and Cisco. Just like PPTP, this protocol lies at data link layer which is the OSI model’s second layer. L2TP offers same data confidentiality as that of PPTP and also allows data protection against its customization within the time it travels from one “tunnel” to another. Its advantages include replay protection and origin authenticity. Windows have a built-in support for L2TP.The protocol requires a shared key or a digital certificate for its implementation.

Click Here To See List of L2TP VPN Service

IPSec protocol

IPSecurity (IPSec) can be used on its own as a tunneling protocol or used alongside the L2TP so as to provide security during L2TP transfer of data packets. Often, it is considered as the standard VPN protocol for gateway-to-gateway VPNS linking two networks. IPSec works at the Security Layer, which is the OSI model’s third layer. The protocol is developed specifically for IP traffic .It may be costly and time consuming. All Windows versions above 2000 support IPSec protocol.

Click Here To See List of IPSec VPN Service


Secured Socket Layer (SSL) has a significant edge over other VPN protocols as it does not need the VPN client software so as to connect to the VPN client ,which is the reason why the VPN operating through SSL protocols are sometimes referred to as “clientless”. Instead, it uses a web browser or http. The protocol operates at the session layer which is one higher the level IPSec operates at. For authentication, SSL requires digital certificates or cryptographic keys which are used at the client and server’s ends. SSTP is an SSL Protocol specifically developed for Windows by Microsoft. A user requiring SSL for other operating systems such as Mac and Linux can choose the OpenVPN which is also an SSL protocol. OpenVPN may also work well on Windows but for greater SSL Performance, it is advisable to use SSTP.


If you have choices. Go for OpenVPN or SSL VPN for highest security.